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Reynoldston Alpha- April 2024

Alpha is a place to explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendlyenvironment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch a DVD on different questions of faith – then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything […]

Holy Week & Easter Services 2024

Below is a table of services around the circuit from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. If you are visiting and would like to find the location of the churches, please visit the individual church pages on this website. Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Day Uniting Church Sketty 10:30am Gough 7pm Gough (S) 2:30pm […]

The Alpha Course 2024

Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited. Looking to try Alpha? Watch this short Introduction to Alpha There are 3 courses starting in January 2024 around the circuit: Each session we […]

Christmas Services 2019

A full list of our Christmas Services across the circuit. Church Christmas Eve Christmas Day UC Sketty 3pm Noon S11.30pm Noon S 10am Noon Penlan at Wesley at Christwell Brunswick 7pm Mugadzaweta S 10.30am Mugadzaweta Pitton 4pm Taylor 9.30am Walker Horton at Pitton at Pitton Clydach at UC Sketty at UC Sketty Mumbles 6pm Long […]

Circuit services for Holy Week and Easte...

Maundy Thursday(18th April) Good Friday (19th April ) Easter (21st April ) Sketty 7:30pm Noon (S) 2:30pm Noon (vigil) 10:30am Noon (S)6:30pm J Coleman Penlan — — 11am Roberts Brunswick 7pm Mugadzaweta (S)Foot/hand washing 10:30am Mugadzaweta1pm Unitas walk of witness 10:30am Mugadzaweta (S) Pitton at Murton at Reynoldston 10:30am Kreschnak (S) Horton at Murton at […]

Holy Week and Easter Services 2018

Holy Week and Easter Services 2018

Easter Morning Sunrise Service The Easter Morning Sunrise service will take place on the beach by the 360 cafe opposite St. Helens at 6 am. The service will last 45 mins ( approx.) All are welcome to join with Christians throughout our city and celebrate our risen Lord. After the service Zacs place off St […]

CRHD openday 14th June

On the 14th June the Revd Gill Evans will once again be opening her house and garden to fund raise for CRHD, a charity to support a village school and a project for women in South India. Cake, plant and book stalls. Coffee and tea from 10-12 Wonderful lunches 12-3pm Afternoon teas 3–4.30pm. Come and […]

Holy Week services around the circuit

For Easter Day Services please see the plan Sketty: (Rev. Leslie Noon) Maundy Thursday: 7:30pm  A journey from light to dark Good Friday: 2:30pm Vigil, 7:30pm Film – Jesus Christ Superstar Penlan: Good Friday: 1pm Walk of Witness, 2pm St Albans Brunswick: (Rev. Siperire) Maundy Thursday: 7pm Foot Washing and Holy Communion Good Friday: 10:30am Drama, 7pm Crucified and Crowned Mumbles: (Rev. Howard Long) […]