Below is a table of services around the circuit from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. If you are visiting and would like to find the location of the churches, please visit the individual church pages on this website. Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Day Uniting Church Sketty 10:30am Gough 7pm Gough (S) 2:30pm […]
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Category: Brunswick
Christmas Day Services 2023
Around the circuit the following services will be taking place on Christmas Day 2023: – Uniting Church Sketty at 10am Brunswick at St James’, Uplands at 10:30 am Mumbles at 10 am Reynoldston at 10 am Murton at 10am Pitton at 10:30am
Brunswick’s 150th Anniversary – 18 Nov.
Easter Services 2023
Lent Lecture Programme 2023
A series of lectures are being held at St. JAmes’ Church during the season of Lent on the subject of Christian Writers Please see poster for more information
Holy Week Services 2020
Christmas Services 2019
A full list of our Christmas Services across the circuit. Church Christmas Eve Christmas Day UC Sketty 3pm Noon S11.30pm Noon S 10am Noon Penlan at Wesley at Christwell Brunswick 7pm Mugadzaweta S 10.30am Mugadzaweta Pitton 4pm Taylor 9.30am Walker Horton at Pitton at Pitton Clydach at UC Sketty at UC Sketty Mumbles 6pm Long […]
Circuit services for Holy Week and Easte...
Maundy Thursday(18th April) Good Friday (19th April ) Easter (21st April ) Sketty 7:30pm Noon (S) 2:30pm Noon (vigil) 10:30am Noon (S)6:30pm J Coleman Penlan — — 11am Roberts Brunswick 7pm Mugadzaweta (S)Foot/hand washing 10:30am Mugadzaweta1pm Unitas walk of witness 10:30am Mugadzaweta (S) Pitton at Murton at Reynoldston 10:30am Kreschnak (S) Horton at Murton at […]
Holy Week and Easter Services 2018
Easter Morning Sunrise Service The Easter Morning Sunrise service will take place on the beach by the 360 cafe opposite St. Helens at 6 am. The service will last 45 mins ( approx.) All are welcome to join with Christians throughout our city and celebrate our risen Lord. After the service Zacs place off St […]
Circuit Holy Week and Easter Services
Christmas Services 2016
Part-time job opportunities
The Swansea and Gower Methodist Church Circuit have received funding for 5 years to employ a Project Coordinator (20 hours a week) (Starting salary £8840 per year)(Pro rata £17,680 per year based on 40 hour week) an Assistant Project Coordinator (15 hours a week)(Starting salary £6630 per year) (Pro rata £17,680 per year based on […]
Circuit service – Aldersgate Sunday 18th
A reminder that we are joining as a circuit to celebrate Aldersgate Sunday on Sunday May 18th 6.30p.m at our Brunswick church. This will be a service of Holy Communion and so please do your best to attend and encourage others to do so.
Holy Week services around the circuit
For Easter Day Services please see the plan Sketty: (Rev. Leslie Noon) Maundy Thursday: 7:30pm A journey from light to dark Good Friday: 2:30pm Vigil, 7:30pm Film – Jesus Christ Superstar Penlan: Good Friday: 1pm Walk of Witness, 2pm St Albans Brunswick: (Rev. Siperire) Maundy Thursday: 7pm Foot Washing and Holy Communion Good Friday: 10:30am Drama, 7pm Crucified and Crowned Mumbles: (Rev. Howard Long) […]
Christian Aid week 2014 HUMBRELLA CHOIR Songs from round the world From spine-tingling Georgian harmonies To pulsating African rhythms Brunswick Methodist Church, St Helen’s Road, SA1 3JJ Friday May 16th. Free entry ! Refreshments provided Generous donations for Christian Aid welcomed!
Worship Here 11/04/14
Have you ever wondered, what’s the meaning to life? Have you ever been curious as to who, or what Jesus is? Maybe you know someone whose life has been changed since becoming a Christian? The Bible says that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, then you […]
Welcome To Swansea – 2 new ministers joi
On Thursday 29th August the Swansea and Gower Methodist Circuit officially welcomed two new ministers to the area. The Methodist Conference stationed Rev Leslie Noon and Rev Siperire Mugadzaweta to serve in the circuit from September 1st after formerly serving in Huddersfield and Coventry respectively. The Circuit Superintendent Rev Howard Long welcomed family members […]